User Experience

All about for business transactions in 1 app

Project scope

At Blurple Studio, we take pride in providing user experience consulting for Revolut's website and mobile application, which cater to the financial needs of millions of users worldwide. Revolut stands as a pioneer in the digital banking and fintech world, and we are here to contribute to their success.

Our Project Goals

Our goal while working with Revolut was to deliver an intuitive and user-friendly experience that allows users to conduct their financial transactions easily and efficiently. We transformed Revolut's broad range of services into a design that users can easily access and utilize.

Our Contributions

  • User Research: We thoroughly understood the needs and expectations of Revolut users, shaping the design process based on these insights.
  • Information Architecture and Usability Testing: We optimized the information architecture of the website and mobile app, ensuring users could quickly find the information they needed.
  • Interface Design: We created a clean and modern interface design that reflects Revolut's brand. This provided users with a seamless and efficient experience for conducting financial transactions.
  • Prototyping and Feedback: Throughout the design process, we developed interactive prototypes and made continuous improvements based on user feedback.


With Blurple Studio's expertise, Revolut elevated the user experience it offers. User satisfaction increased, transaction times decreased, and Revolut began reaching a wider global audience.

We are proud that Revolut chose to work with us to make their innovative financial solutions more accessible and user-friendly. At Blurple Studio, we continue to make a difference in the digital world.

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At Blurple Studio, we follow a structured and collaborative approach to deliver exceptional user experience consulting. Here’s a detailed look at our design consulting process with Revolut:

1. Discovery and Research

  • Stakeholder Interviews: We began by conducting interviews with key stakeholders at Revolut to understand their vision, goals, and expectations.
  • User Research: Our team performed extensive user research, including surveys and user interviews, to gather insights into the needs and pain points of Revolut’s target audience.

2. Analysis and Planning

  • Persona Development: Based on the research findings, we created detailed user personas to represent the different segments of Revolut's user base.
  • Journey Mapping: We mapped out user journeys to identify key interactions and potential friction points within the Revolut platform.

3. Information Architecture

  • Site Map Creation: We developed a clear and intuitive site map to structure the information on Revolut’s website and mobile app.
  • Wireframing: Our team created low-fidelity wireframes to outline the basic layout and navigation flow, ensuring ease of use and accessibility.

4. Design and Prototyping

  • Visual Design: We crafted visually appealing and brand-consistent interface designs, focusing on creating a seamless user experience.
  • Interactive Prototypes: Using tools like Figma, we built interactive prototypes to bring the designs to life and allow stakeholders to visualize the end product.

5. Testing and Validation

  • Usability Testing: We conducted multiple rounds of usability testing with real users to identify and resolve any usability issues.
  • Feedback Iterations: Based on user feedback and testing results, we made iterative improvements to the design, refining the user experience further.

6. Implementation Support

  • Developer Handoff: We provided detailed design specifications and assets to Revolut’s development team, ensuring a smooth handoff and implementation.
  • Collaboration and Support: Throughout the development phase, we worked closely with Revolut’s developers to address any design-related questions and ensure the final product met our high standards.

7. Launch and Post-Launch

  • Launch Preparation: We assisted Revolut in preparing for the launch, ensuring all design elements were correctly implemented.
  • Post-Launch Analysis: After the launch, we continued to monitor user feedback and analytics to identify areas for further improvement.

Here are some numbers
6 months
Project scope
Improved NPS score
Satisfied customers
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