Discover the real state of your product

PX-RAY (Product Analyse)

What we offer?

PX-RAY is our analysis service where we thoroughly analyze a digital product just like an X-RAY, examining it from every angle. If you have a digital product with an established user experience (UX/UI) or one that is live in production, we analyze it from the perspective of both global UX standards and the experiences it offers to users across all channels of interaction.

"Analyzing is our first and perhaps most valuable service we offer. Discover the unknown issues, areas for improvement, and perhaps the everyday problems many of your users encounter with your digital product. Start on the right path for development."

The topics we analyze include:

  • User Experience (UX)
  • Overall Service Flow & Information Architecture Quality
  • Interface Design (UI)
  • Compatibility Across Experience Environments (Testing on Different Screen Sizes)
  • UX Writing Strategy and Quality
  • Accessibility Status and Quality
  • Reaction Testing of the Product in Different Scenarios (Applicable only to live, software-based products)
  • Membership Registration Durations, Action Duration Tests
  • Mystery User Tests
  • Support Center (In product) Tests

These categories can expand and be subdivided based on the type and structure of the product. If you want to assess the overall state of your product's experience from both PX experts and your users' perspectives, PX-RAY is the right place to start

Do we need PX-RAY?

If you have completed the experience design process for a digital product or have a live digital product with users, and you want your product to be evaluated by experience design experts and tested by different users' trends that you may not be aware of, in short, if you want to learn about the experience your product offers to users in every aspect, including its interface, user experience, software responsiveness, and the customer service support you provide to your customers, and take a step towards development, then PX-RAY is definitely the right starting point.

What does PX-RAY bring to me and what should we do next?

Following the comprehensive analysis and testing process we conduct for digital products, known as PX-RAY, you will uncover the pain points and areas for improvement in your product. You will also receive detailed output files related to the entire process.After PX-RAY is completed, your product management team, along with your product design and development teams, can explore the unknown aspects of the product and collaborate with the design and development teams for experience enhancement. Within PX-RAY, we also provide notes and recommendations regarding new product strategies, contributing to your product strategy at this stage.
If you wish to avail our services to improve your product based on the generated outputs, we will be happy to assist you.

Frequently asked qustions

Let's answer your most pressing questions and frequently asked ones. For more information, feel free to reach out to us.

In which digital products can I benefit from the PX-RAY service?

You can avail PX-RAY service for any digital products that interact with users, such as mobile applications, web applications, and websites, as well as in-car screen experiences.

What stage should my product be in to benefit from the PX-RAY service?

Your product should either be live or have completed the user experience and interface design (UX-UI) process.

Will I receive reports at the end of the PX-RAY work?

Yes, you will receive all research and reports digitally at the end of the study.

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